Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
Database of full-text business-related journals and newspapers. Available from ProQuest by subscription. $
ABSEES, American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
Covers North American scholarship on East-Central Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet Union. Contains bibliographic records for journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, online resources, and selected government publications. Based at the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Available by subscription. $
Abstracts in Anthropology
Covers a broad spectrum of significant, current anthropological topics from a vast number of periodicals. Available from Baywood Publishing by subscription. $
Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases
Abstracts of key papers on public health and disease. Coverage includes health and disease in temperate countries, the epidemiology and control of infectious diseases, community and environmental health, rural health and agricultural medicine. Other topics include chronic diseases, occupational health and toxicology. Available by subscription. $
Academic Search Premier
Scholarly, multi-discipline, full text database designed specifically for academic institutions. Available from EBSCO by subscription. $
Academic Universe
Access to full text articles and documents from news, legal, and business sources. Available from Lexis-Nexis by subscription. $
Addiction Abstracts
Covers all addictive substances as well as other compulsive behaviors. Available from Taylor & Francis by subscription. $
Adis Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes News
Summaries of news from world pharmacoeconomic literature. More than 2,000 major international medical, biomedical and pharmacoeconomic journals are routinely scanned for inclusion. Available from Adis International Limited by subscription. $
ADOLEC, Literature on Adolescence Health
Bibliographic database that contains articles related to adolescence. Produced by the Pan American Health Organization.
http://www.bireme.br/bvs/I/ibd.htm F
$ = available by paid subscription only. © 2002-2004 Lamar Soutter Library UMass Medical School
F = available for free Internet access. Updated April 28, 2004
AEGIS (AIDS Education Global Information System)
This website is "the largest HIV/AIDS website in the world". It is a gateway to information about AIDS and HIV-its prevention, treatment and management that is updated hourly. It features links to daily news reports, fact sheets and personal stories. It offers a conference facility for HIV positive people to communicate with each other. It also offers a searchable database of nearly a million documents.
http://www.aegis.com/ F
Database containing detailed summaries of publications about older adults and aging, including books, journal and magazine articles, research reports, and videos. Produced by the AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons.
http://research.aarp.org/ageline/ F
Bibliographic database of citations to agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. The records describe publications and resources encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/ F
AIM, African Index Medicus
International index to African health literature. Produced by the World Health Organization and the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa.
http://www.who.int/library/country/regional/aim/index.en.shtml F
Alcohol Studies Database
Database of citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and audio-visual materials. Produced by the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University.
http://www.scc.rutgers.edu/alcohol_studies/alcohol/ F
Alt-Health Watch
A full text and image database of 160 international publications focused on all areas of alternative, holistic, complementary and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Includes peer-reviewed journals, reports, newsletters, etc. Available by subscription. $
Annual Review of Population Law
Database of summaries and excerpts of legislation, constitutions, court decisions, and other official government documents from every country in the world relating to population policies, reproductive rights and health, women's rights, HIV/AIDS and related topic Produced jointly by Harvard Law School and the United Nations Population Fund.
http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/annual_review/annual_review.htm F
Comprehensive focus on trade, technical and scientific literature concerning all aspects of water resources. Major subjects of coverage include water resources and supplies management, water legislation, water quality, potable water distribution, wastewater collection, water treatment technologies, wastewater and sewage treatment, and ecological and environmental effects of water pollution. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
Covers the field of aquatic resources. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
ARIV, Alcohol-Related Injury and Violence Literature Database
Bibliographic references to journal articles, books, chapters, dissertations, conference papers and proceedings, reports, and studies from lay and scholarly literature addressing the problem of alcohol-related injury and violence from a public health perspective. Produced by the Trauma Foundation.
http://trauma.andornot.com/ F
ASSIA, Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts
Covers health, social services, economics, politics, race relations and education. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
BCERF Environmental Risk Factor Database
Bibliographic database on breast cancer and environmental risk factors. Produced by Cornell University.
http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/bcerf/libsearch.cfm F
Best Practices Database
This searchable database contains over 1600 proven solutions from more than 140 countries to the common social, economic and environmental problems of an urbanizing world. It demonstrates the practical ways in which public, private and civil society sectors are working together to improve governance, eradicate poverty, provide access to shelter, land and basic services, protect the environment and support economic development. Produced by The Together Foundation and UN-Habitat. Available by subscription.
http://www.bestpractices.org/ $
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Western language records on subjects pertaining to Asia. Coverage includes articles, monographs, conference proceedings, anthologies, and book chapters. Available by subscription. $
Database of health promotion references. Produced by the Evidence for Policy and Practice (EPPI) Centre, based at the University of London, UK. Contains records on articles, books, reports, and studies. Compiled as a result of searching and coding research for inclusion in systematic reviews.
http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/EPPIWeb/home.aspx?Control=Search&SearchDB=bibliomap&page=/hp/ F
Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS)
Index to journals, books, and meeting abstracts in all areas of biology, including agriculture, biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, botany, ecology, microbiology, pharmacology, and zoology. Available by subscription. $
Biology Digest
Compilation of abstracts and indexes of domestic and international literature in the area of life sciences. It is primarily intended for an audience at the high school or undergraduate college level. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
CAB Abstracts
Covers the significant research and development literature in the fields of agriculture, forestry, aspects of human health, human nutrition, animal health and the management and conservation of natural resources. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Campbell Collaboration (C2)
Systematic reviews and trials of interventions in the social, behavioral and educational arenas. The Campbell Library includes the Social, Psychological, Educational, and Criminological Trials Register (C2-SPECTR) and the Register of C2 Systematic Reviews of Interventions and Policy Evaluation (C2-RIPE).
http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/ F
Bibliographic database specifically designed for cancer from the National Cancer Institute.
http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_literature/ F
Catalog of United States Government Publications
Bibliographic records of U.S. Government information products. Available through GPO access.
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cgp/index.html F
CDC Recommends: The Prevention Guidelines System
Contains up-to-date and archived guidelines and recommendations approved by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the prevention and control of disease, injuries, and disabilities.
http://www.phppo.cdc.gov/cdcRecommends/AdvSearchV.asp F
CDC Wonder
Searchable compilation of Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports, guidelines, and numeric public health data.
http://wonder.cdc.gov/ F
Chemical Abstracts
Comprehensive coverage of the world's chemical literature, including biochemistry, organic chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, applied chemistry and chemical engineering, physical, inorganic, and analytical chemistry. Produced by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society. Available by subscription. $
Chemical Safety NewsBase
Information on health and safety issues affecting the chemical and allied industries, plus health and safety aspects relevant to laboratories. Available from the Royal Society of Chemistry by subscription. $
Chicano Database
Bibliographic resource for information about Mexican-American topics and specialized for Chicano reference. Also includes the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants. Produced by RLG, Research Libraries Group. Available by subscription. $
CHID, Combined Health Information Database
Bibliographic database produced by health-related agencies of the Federal Government. Provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources.
http://chid.nih.gov/ F
CIESIN, Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
Data and information on human interactions in the environment, global environmental change, and sustainable development. Produced by Columbia University.
http://www.ciesin.org/ F
CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health
Covers literature related to nursing and allied health, including consumer health, biomedicine, health education, and health sciences librarianship. Additional citations for selected books, dissertations, and conference proceedings are included. Available by subscription. $
Bilingual bibliographic database that provides references to international occupational health and safety literature. Created by the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre in Geneva. Available by subscription. $
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
A bibliography of controlled trials identified by contributors to the Cochrane Collaboration and others, as part of an international effort to hand search the world's journals and create an unbiased source of data for systematic reviews. CENTRAL includes reports published in conference proceedings and in many other sources not currently listed in MEDLINE or other bibliographic databases. Available by subscription. $
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Evidence-based database of full text articles reviewing the effects of healthcare prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration. The reviews are highly structured and systematic, with evidence included or excluded on the basis of explicit quality criteria. Included in the Cochrane Library and indexed in MEDLINE. Full text reviews are available by subscription and abstracts are available for free.
http://www.update-software.com/clibng/cliblogon.htm $
http://www.update-software.com/cochrane/abstract.htm F
Compumath Citation Index
Bibliographic information and author abstracts from scholarly journals in computers and mathematics. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
Congressional Universe
Provides full-text and bibliographic access to Congressional Publications including House and Senate Reports and Documents, Hearings, Committee Prints, bills, laws, and legislative histories. Available from Lexis-Nexis by subscription. $
CPBD, Carcinogenic Potency Database
Resource on the results of chronic, long-term animal cancer tests. Includes experimental results reported in the general literature and in the Technical Reports of the National Cancer Institute/National Toxicology Program (NCI/TP).
http://potency.berkeley.edu/cpdb.html F
Criminal Justice Abstracts
Criminology database of international journals, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers on criminology and related disciplines. Available by subscription. $
Current Advances in Cancer Research
Literature searching service that provides a subject categorized listing of titles, authors, bibliographic details and authors' addresses. Coverage includes epidemiology of cancer; etiology of cancer; cancer genetics and cytogenetics; diagnosis and prognosis; and comparative assessments of therapies. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
Current Advances in Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Literature searching service that provides a subject categorized listing of titles, authors, bibliographic details and authors' addresses. Covers the ecological and environmental sciences. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
Current Contents
Provides access to complete bibliographic research information from articles, editorials, meeting abstracts, commentaries, letters, book reviews, and all other significant items in recently published editions of scholarly journals and books. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
Current Index to Statistics
Bibliographic index to publications in statistics and related fields. Produced by the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, available by subscription. $
Current Issues Universe
Provides access to “gray literature” publications on current social, political, economic, health, environmental, and science and technology issues. Available from Lexis-Nexis by subscription. $
CWI, Contemporary Women’s Issues
Provides full-text access to global information on women in over 150 countries. Indexes books, journals, newsletters, research reports from non-profit groups, government and international agencies, and fact sheets. Produced by the Gale Group. Available by subscription. $
Dairy Science Abstracts
Information on all aspects of milk production, secretion, processing, and milk products. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
DARE, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness
Systematic research reviews of the effectiveness of health care intervention that have been critically appraised by reviewers at the National Health Service (NHS) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, England. Included in the Cochrane Library.
http://agatha.york.ac.uk/nhsdhp.htm F
Literature on developmental and reproductive toxicology. Produced by the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology and Environmental Teratology Information Center.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?DARTETIC.htm F
Database of Promoting Health Effectiveness Reviews (DoPHER)
Centre Contains references to approximately 700 reviews of health promotion effectiveness. Contains references to both systematic and non-systematic reviews (around a third are coded as systematic). Produced by the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information (EPPI) Centre, based at the University of London
http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/EPPIWeb/home.aspx?Control=Search&SearchDB=rore&page=/hp/ F
Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge
Source to full-text and bibliographic records of research and development reports from the Department of Energy (DOE) in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics.
http://www.osti.gov/bridge/ F
DESASTRES, Disaster Documentation Center Collection
Bibliographic references resulting from analyses of United Nations agencies' publications, books or chapters of books, non conventional literature, such as technical information, congress presentations, theses, emergency plans, etc., and scientific articles from specialized journals. Produced by the Disaster Documentation Center, of the Pan American Health Organization.
http://www.bireme.br/bvs/I/ibd.htm F
Dissertation Abstracts
Offers access to more than 90 percent of the doctoral dissertations accepted each year in North America. The database also covers thousands of dissertations and theses from around the globe. Subjects covered include agriculture & food science, architecture, art, bioscience and biotechnology, business, chemistry, economics, education, history, geoscience, law and political science, mathematics, music, pharmaceuticals, psychology, social science, veterinary sciences, zoology and more. Available by subscription. $
Contains bibliographic references and some abstracts for journal articles, books, articles in collective volumes and dissertations, and conference proceedings in economics. Produced by the American Economic Association. Available by subscription. $
Source for locating single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. Created by the U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development and the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory.
http://www.epa.gov/ecotox/ F
EMBASE (Excerpta Medica)
Comprehensive pharmacological and biomedical database. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
Literature on agents tested for genotoxic activity. Produced by the Environmental Mutagen Information Center.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?EMIC F
Environmental Abstracts
Database with article references on environmental issues including acid rain, ecology, human ecology, environmental studies, energy, natural resources and pollution. Produced by CIS, Congressional Information Services. Available by subscription. $
Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management
Multidisciplinary database of the environmental sciences. Abstracts and citations from scientific journals and other sources including conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books and government publications. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
ERIC Database
Database of education information with citations to journal articles and other research literature in education. Produced by the Education Resources Information Center, a federally funded national information system.
http://www.eric.ed.gov/searchdb/index.html F
Ethnic News Watch
Full-text general reference database of ethnic, minority and native newspapers, magazines and journals. In English and Spanish. Available from Softline Information by subscription. $
Medical and cultural information on immigrant and refugee groups. Produced by the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Center.
http://ethnomed.org/ F
ETOH, Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database
Covers all aspects of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Includes abstracts and bibliographic references to journal articles, books, dissertation abstracts, conference papers and proceedings, reports and studies, and chapters in edited works. Produced by the NIAAA, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
http://etoh.niaaa.nih.gov/ F
EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network Multilingual Library
Database of health education materials available in the languages of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The primary focus is in 10 subject areas—community health, emergency medicine, health management, HIV/AIDS, infection control, maternal and child health, medical informatics, nursing, primary healthcare, and women's health. Produced by the American International Health Alliance.
http://www.eurasiahealth.org/english/library/index.cfm?goTop=1 F
Expanded Academic ASAP
Database for the research needs of all academic disciplines, from arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology. Access to scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers. Available from Gale Group by subscription. $
Family Index Database
Database of family studies and family-related articles from the areas of psychology, sociology, medicine, nursing, education, and religion. Available from Family Scholar Publications by subscription. $
Firearm Violence Literature Database
Bibliographic references to journal articles, books, chapters, dissertations, conference papers and proceedings, reports, and studies from lay and scholarly literature addressing the problem of firearm violence from a public health perspective. Produced by the Pacific Center for Violence Prevention.
http://trauma.andornot.com/firearms.htm F
Forest Products Abstracts
Covers all aspects of wood processing from harvesting to marketing, as well as non-timber forest resources. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Forestry Abstracts
Covers the world literature on all aspects of forestry, including land use and conservation. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
FTSA, Food Science and Technology Abstracts
Source of information on food science, food technology and human nutrition. Indexes journals, books, conference proceedings, theses, patents, standards, and legislation. Produced by IFIS, the International Food Information Service. Available by subscription. $
Full text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Publications include magazines, academic journals, newspapers, newsletters, books, pamphlets, conference proceedings, and government reports. Available from Softline Information by subscription. $
General Reference Center
General interest database of articles from magazines, reference books, and newspapers. Available from Gale Group by subscription. $
Genetics Abstracts
Genetics database from microbes to plants to humans. Molecular genetics is emphasized, with information on DNA, differentiation and development, RNA, protein synthesis, ribosomes, nuclear proteins and chromatin, enzymes, and gene regulation. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Geographical Abstracts
Coverage of the literature associated with Earth studies. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
Global Health
International public health database of abstracts of serials, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, patents, theses, and electronic only publications from more than 125 countries. Global coverage of the developing and developed world with over 50 languages translated into English. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription.
http://www.cabi-publishing.org/AbstractDatabases.asp?SubjectArea=&PID=328 $
Global NewsBank
Access to fully indexed articles taken from international news sources including newspapers, broadcasts, newswires, and wire services. Available from NewsBank, Inc. by subscription. $
GPO Access
Service of the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) that provides free electronic access to databases produced by the Federal Government. Searches can be performed in a single database or across multiple databases.
http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/index.html F
HAPI, Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews and other material relating to Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States border region, and Hispanics in the United States. Available by subscription. $
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)
Provides access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/ manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science. Available from Ovid by subscription. $
Health and Safety Sciences Abstracts
Database of recent work relating to public health, safety, and industrial hygiene Published in association with the University of Southern California's Institute of Safety and Systems Management. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Health and Wellness Resource Center
Provides access to medical, health, and wellness information from authoritative medical sources including reference works, full-text magazines, journals and pamphlets, with descriptive links to selected web sites. Available by subscription. $
Health Communication Materials Databases
The Media/Materials Clearinghouse (M/MC) is an international resource for health professionals who seek samples of pamphlets, posters, videos, and many other media/materials designed to promote public health. The M/MC is part of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, which is a Center within the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
http://www.jhuccp.org/mmc F
Health Development Agency (HDA) Evidence Base
A searchable database of electronically available systematic reviews of effectiveness, literature reviews, meta-analyses, expert group reports and other review-level information about what works to improve health and reduce health inequalities. This database contains summaries of reviews and full reports commissioned or carried out by the HDA, as well as links to reviews and reports elsewhere on the World Wide Web. HDA Evidence Base is contained as a topic database within the database, HealthPromis, the national public health bibliographic database for the UK.
http://www.hda-online.org.uk/evidence F
Health Education and Promotion System (HEAPS)
The Heaps website contains a valuable and extensive database listing of Australian and New Zealand health promotion projects. Contains over 6,000 records of programs, projects and resources.
http://www.prometheus.com.au/heaps/heaps.html F
Health Reference Center – Academic
Indexes 205 nursing, allied health, and medical journals, consumer health magazines and newsletters (with full text articles for 150 of them), plus 500 pamphlets, 6 reference books, over 1800 topical overviews, and referral information (all in full text). Coverage includes articles on fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs, prescription drugs, etc. Available from the Gale Group by subscription. $
National Health Database for England. It focuses on evidence-based public health, health promotion and health inequalities. The database, which contains references and document links to books and journal articles, is aimed at health professionals, students, researchers, academics and policy makers.
http://healthpromis.hda-online.org.uk/ F
Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project
Developed by the National Library of Medicine and the Public Health Foundation (PHF). Provides links to pre-formulated (filtered) PubMed searches for selected Healthy People 2010 objectives, links to chapters in Healthy People 2010, relevant guidelines, and MEDLINEplus topics. Healthy People 2010 is a prevention agenda for the United States composed of national health objectives designed to establish goals to reduce significant preventable threats to health.
http://phpartners.org/hp/ F
Healthy Start Collection Database
See Maternal and Child Health Library for description.
http://www.mchlibrary.info/databases/search.lasso F
Helminthological Abstracts
Covers the literature on all parasitic helminthes. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
History of Science, Technology and Medicine
International bibliography for the history of science, technology, and medicine and their influence on culture, from pre-history to the present. Available from RLG, Research Libraries Group, by subscription. $
HLAS, Handbook of Latin American Studies
Bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Produced by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress.
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/hlas/ F
HRSA, Health Resources and Services Administration, Information Center Publications, resources, and referrals on health care services for low-income, uninsured individuals and those with special health care needs. Key programs areas of the HRSA are HIV/AIDS services; primary health care; maternal and child health; health professions; rural health policy, and organ and marrow donation. The database provides citation information, abstracts, and information on how to order publications.
http://www.ask.hrsa.gov/search.cfm F
HSTAT, Health Services/Health Technology Assessment Text
Searchable collection of full-text clinical practice guidelines, technology assessments and health information. Also provides links to external databases, including PubMed, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention Guidelines Database, and the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Developed by the National Library of Medicine.
http://hstat.nlm.nih.gov/hq/Hquest/screen/HquestHome/s/35270 F
Human Genome Abstracts
Bibliographic database that covers material relating to human genomes, gene mapping and nucleotide sequencing. Available by subscription. $
IBIDS, International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements
Database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals from the National Institutes of Health and Food and Nutrition Information Center of the National Agricultural Library.
http://ods.od.nih.gov/databases/ibids.html F
IMEMR, Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Indexes and disseminates health and biomedical information originating in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Produced by the World Health Organization.
http://www.who.int/library/country/regional/imemr/index.en.shtml F
IMSEAR, Index Medicus for the South-East Asian Region
Database of articles published in selected journals within the World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region. It is a collaborative effort of participating libraries in the Health Literature, Library and Information Services (HELLIS) network.
http://library.whosea.org/regional/ F
Index to Scientific Reviews
Multidisciplinary coverage of the world's most recently published scientific and technical reviews. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
Index Veterinarius
Comprehensive monthly subject and author index to the world's veterinary literature. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Bibliographic database of Indian biomedical journals. Produced by the National Informatics Centre, India.
http://indmed.nic.in/ F
INIS, International Nuclear Information System
Bibliographic database covering the worldwide published literature in nuclear research and technology. Available from STN, Scientific and Technical Information Network, by subscription. $
Summaries of research published in the world's biomedical literature concerning drug therapy and disease management. Available from SilverPlatter by subscription. $
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Covers the core disciplines of anthropology, economics, political science and sociology, and also includes related subjects such as archeology, demography, foreign affairs, government, history, international relations, law, psychology, public administration and social issues. Produced by the British Library of Political and Economic Science of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Available from SilverPlatter by subscription. $
International Development Abstracts
Bibliographical reference source on topics and issues relating to developing countries as well as the fields of Earth sciences and human geography. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
IPA, International Pharmaceutical Abstract
Information from pharmaceutical, medical, and health-related journals published worldwide. Produced by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Available by subscription. $
Journal Watch Infectious Diseases
Information on clinical research in infectious disease. Reviews of the most important studies from over 40 of the top general and specialty medical journals. Produced by the Massachusetts Medical Society. Available by subscription. $
Journal Watch Women’s Health
Information on research appearing in the women’s health literature. Reviews of the most important studies from over 40 of the top general and specialty medical journals. Produced by the Massachusetts Medical Society. Available by subscription. $
Laboratory Hazards Bulletin
Provides comprehensive coverage of laboratory hazards information. Covers over 150 international scientific and trade journals, plus press releases, technical reports and books. Available from the Royal Society of Chemistry by subscription. $
Database for government regulations, international law, and case law. Available by subscription. $
LILACS, Latin American and Caribbean Health Science
Covers literature related to the health sciences that has been published in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Produced by the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information.
http://www.bireme.br/bvs/I/ibd.htm F
Maternal and Child Health Library
Includes MCH (Maternal and Child Health) Line, MCH Organizations Database, MCH Projects Database, and Healthy Start Collection Database. MCHLine is a bibliographic database that lists materials held in the Mary C. Egan Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University. The library focuses on publications from federal and state agencies, from grantees of federal and state agencies, and from professional and voluntary agencies. It contains unique materials on the history of MCH in the United States, policy papers, reports, conference proceedings, manuals, survey instruments, guidelines, and curricula. The Healthy Start Collection Database is an online catalog of items developed by Healthy Start sites, including brochures, bylaws, curricula, marketing materials, policies, and reports, along with other material related to maternal and infant health.
http://www.mchlibrary.info/databases/search.lasso F
Comprehensive database covering the world's mathematical literature since 1940. Reviews of mathematical research literature contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database. Produced by the American Mathematical Society. Available by subscription. $
Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
MCH (Maternal and Child Health) Line
See Maternal and Child Health Library for description.
http://www.mchlibrary.info/databases/search.lasso F
MD Consult
Comprehensive collection of medical information including MEDLINE, full-text reference books, practice guidelines, drug information and patient education handouts. Available by subscription. $
MEDLINE (Index Medicus)
National Library of Medicine's premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences.
http://pubmed.gov F
Health resources selected by the National Library of Medicine for healthcare consumers.
http://medlineplus.gov/ F
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Contains full-text information on and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas. Produced by the Buros Institute. Available by subscription. $
Microbiology Abstracts
Covers research in microbiology and related fields, including basic biochemistry, genetics, immunology and ecology of microorganisms. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Clinical information on toxicology, drugs, drug interactions, alternative medicine, and reproductive risks. Available by subscription. $
National Center for Health Statistics
Data on vital events as well as information on health status, lifestyle and exposure to unhealthy influences, the onset and diagnosis of illness and disability, and the use of health care. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs F
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database: NCJRS
Contains abstracts and links to full-text criminal justice publications from NCJRS sponsoring agencies -- the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, all part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Abstracts available at: http://abstractsdb.ncjrs.org/content/AbstractsDB_Search.asp F
Full-text publications available at: http://fulltextpubs.ncjrs.org/content/FullTextPubs.html F
Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
National Guideline Clearinghouse
Comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP).
http://www.guideline.gov F
National Laboratory Training Network (NLTN) Lending Library
Includes training and educational materials available for loan, free of charge, to laboratory scientists. Lending library items include videotapes, printed manuals, and electronic media. Searchable by topic, material type, and distribution date. Topics include bioterrorism, microbiology, hematology, phlebotomy, and quality assurance and safety. Also contains links to Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on-line training resources and NLTN laboratory training products.
http://www.phppo.cdc.gov/libnltn/AdvSearchV.asp F
National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) Library
Catalog of the MIPT Library located in Oklahoma City. The MIPT Library is a clearinghouse for terrorism related information, and seeks to identify and acquire original manuscript collections, photographs, videotapes, posters and electronic information. The library contains information on emergency health and response issues, public health policy, bioterrorism, and other types of terrorism related issues.
http://library.mipt.org F
National Newspaper Index
Indexes the following newspapers: Christian Science Monitor (National edition), Los Angeles Times (Home edition), Wall Street Journal (Eastern and Western editions), New York Times (Late and National editions), New York Times Book Review, New York Times Magazine, and Washington Post (Final edition). Available from the Gale Group by subscription. $
Native Health Research Database
Bibliographic database pertaining to health and medical issues of the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) and Canadian First Nations populations. Produced by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Library.
http://hsc.unm.edu/library/nhd F
Neuroscience Citation Index
Bibliographic information and author abstracts from scholarly journals in neuroscience. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
NewsBank NewsFile
Full-text news resource consisting of articles selected from regional, national and international sources. Available from NewsBank, Inc. by subscription. $
NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED)
Database of structured abstracts that assess and summarize published economic health care evaluations. Includes cost-benefit analyses, cost-utility analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses, cost-minimization analyses, and cost-consequence analysis. Produced by the National Health Service (NHS) Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, York, UK.
http://agatha.york.ac.uk/nhsdhp.htm F
NIOSHTIC (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Technical Information Center)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) electronic, bibliographic database of literature in the field of occupational safety and health. About 160 current, English language technical journals provide approximately 35 percent of the additions to NIOSHTIC annually. Retrospective information, some of which is from the 19th century, is also acquired and entered. NIOSHTIC is updated quarterly and is available on-line and on compact disk by subscription from SilverPlatter. $
NLM Gateway (MEDLINE, OLDMEDLINE, LOCATORplus, MEDLINEplus, DIRLINE, AIDS Meetings, Health Services Research Meetings, Space Life Sciences Meetings, HSRProj)
A single web interfaces that searches multiple retrieval systems at the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/gw/Cmd F
NTIS, National Technical Information Service
Central resource for scientific, technical, engineering and business information. Covers reports describing research conducted or sponsored by federal agencies and their contractors; statistical and business information; audiovisual products; computer software and electronic databases developed by federal agencies; and technical reports prepared by foreign research organizations. Produced by the National Technical Information Service.
http://www.ntis.gov/ F
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
Covers information on nutrition, including techniques, food composition and nutritive value, human health and nutrition, disease and therapeutic nutrition, and physiology and biochemistry of nutrients. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Nutrition Research Literature
Literature-survey service covering more than 400 scientific journals. Provides summaries with full citations and author's addresses plus a listing of reviews in nutrition and clinical nutrition. Published by Technical Insights. Available for free from FindArticles.com.
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0887/mag.jhtml F
Oceanographic Literature Review
Annotated bibliography to the international research literature in all fields of oceanography including science, mathematics, and methods as well as policy, laws, economics, and resource management. Available from Elsevier by subscription. $
OCLC’s WorldCat
Catalog of books, web resources, and other material worldwide. Available from OCLC, Online Computer Library Center, by subscription. $
Comprehensive information about specific types of cancer, updates on cancer treatments and news about research advances. Links to full-text documents and related websites. Produced by the University of Pennsylvania.
http://oncolink.upenn.edu/ F
OSH-ROM Occupational Safety and Health Databases (NIOSHTIC, HSELINE, CISDOC, MHIDAS, MEDL-OEM, RILOSH)
Six databases covering critical international occupational health and safety information. Available from SilverPlatter by subscription. $
PAIS, OCLC Public Affairs Information Service
Bibliographic database on public affairs, public and social policies, international relations, and world politics. Indexed materials include books, journal articles, government documents, serials, gray literature, pamphlets, reports of public and private organizations, and Internet materials.
http://www.pais.org/ F
Physical Education Index
Covers physical education curricula, sports medicine, dance, health education, physical therapy, sports law, kinesiology, motor learning, recreation, standardized fitness tests, sports equipment, business and marketing, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
PILOTS Database
An electronic index to the worldwide literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health consequences of exposure to traumatic events. It is produced by the National Center for PTSD, and is available to the public on computer systems maintained by Dartmouth College.
http://www.ncptsd.org/publications/pilots/ F
Policy Information Exchange (PIE)
Source for information related to mental health, substance abuse, and disability policy, including a searchable database of over 5,000 documents. A service of the Missouri Institute of Mental Health.
http://www.mimh.edu/mimhweb/pie/pie.asp F
Indexes and abstracts public policy literature from think tanks, university research programs, research organizations and publishers. Available from ProQuest by subscription. $
Pollution Abstracts
Covers topics related to pollution from the standpoints of atmosphere, emissions, mathematical models, effects on people and animals, and environmental action in response to global pollution issues. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Database of citations and abstracts of published and unpublished international reproductive health literature. Subject coverage includes family planning, population law and policy, and primary health care, including maternal/child health in developing countries. Maintained by the Population Information Program at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. http://db.jhuccp.org/popinform/basic.html F
Population Index on the Web
Annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials on population topics. Produced by the Office of Population Research, Princeton University.
http://popindex.princeton.edu/ F
Poultry Abstracts
Covers Worldwide scientific information on all aspects of Poultry breeding and production. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
ProQuest Research Library
Indexes over 2,300 journals and magazines covering all fields and topics, academic and popular, beginning as early as 1971. Provides full text for articles as early as 1987 from over 1,400 of these journals and magazines. Available by subscription. $
Protozoological Abstracts
Covers all parasitic protozoa, many endemic to the tropics, affecting man and animals. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Contains more than 25,000 searchable full text articles from 38 journals published by the American Psychological Association and 4 from allied organizations. Available by subscription. $
PsycInfo (Psychological Abstracts)
Citations and abstracts of international journal articles in psychology and related disciplines. Coverage includes journals, books, dissertations, and reports. Available by subscription. $
Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection Comprehensive database with full text titles covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Available from EBSCO by subscription. $
Free access to MEDLINE. In addition, PubMed provides access to out-of-scope citations from certain MEDLINE journals, primarily general science and chemistry journals, for which the life sciences articles are indexed for MEDLINE; citations that precede the date that a journal was selected for MEDLINE indexing; and some additional life science journals that submit full text to PubMedCentral™ and receive a qualitative review by the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
http://pubmed.gov F
RAND’s Publication Database
Produced by a RAND, a non-profit research organization. Searchable database of abstracts of publicly releasable RAND publications.
http://www.rand.org/Abstracts/ F
Reactions Weekly
Information on adverse drug reactions. Available from SilverPlatter by subscription. $
REPIDISCA, Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Bibliographic references on literature in the field of sanitary engineering and environment sciences. Coordinated by CEPIS, Pan-American Center of Sanitary Engineering and Environment Sciences, located in Lima, Peru.
http://www.bireme.br/bvs/I/ibd.htm F
Reports of the Surgeon General
Official reports, conference and workshop reports, and proceedings from the Office of the Surgeon General. Digitized and made available by the National Library Association.
http://sgreports.nlm.nih.gov/NN/ F
Reproductive Health Online (ReproLine)
Tailored to the needs of reproductive healthcare providers, trainers, and faculty. Includes course and workshop materials, presentation graphics, full-text reproductive health reference manuals, and articles on key topics in reproductive health. Available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Russian. Developed by JHPIEGO, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University.
http://www.reproline.jhu.edu/ F
Resource Guide for Public Health Preparedness
A project of the New York Academy of Medicine Library and the National Library of Medicine. Provides access to documents and guideline related to disaster preparedness and bio-terrorist threats
http://www.phpreparedness.info/phdb/index.php F
Review of Agricultural Entomology
Abstracts of the world’s literature on insects and other arthropods as pests of cultivated plants, forest trees and stored products. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
Covers mycoses of man and domestic and wild animals, allergic disorders associated with fungi and poisoning by fungi or mold-contaminated foods. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Review of Plant Pathology
Covers diseases of crop plants, ornamental plants, and forest trees caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma-like organisms, non-parasitic diseases, and Mycorrhizas. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Risk Abstracts
Multidisciplinary coverage of risk-related concerns ranging from public and environmental health to social issues and psychological aspects. Covers risk arising from industrial, technological, environmental, and other sources, with an emphasis on assessment and management of risk. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Rural Development Abstracts
Covers all economic and social aspects of Third World rural development. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Abstracts of injury prevention literature. Produced by the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice, San Diego State University, Graduate School of Public Health. SafetyLit staff and volunteers regularly examine more than 200 journals and scores of reports from government agencies and organizations. Users can subscribe to receive e-mail notices of SafetyLit weekly updates. Abstracts can be viewed in chronological order and can also be searched by text word or author.
http://safetylit.org/ F
Sage Family Studies Abstracts
Abstracts articles, reports, books, and other materials on policy, theory, and research relating to the family, traditional and alternative lifestyles, therapy and counseling. Available from Sage Publications by subscription. $
Sage Race Relations Abstracts
Source of current information in the area of race relations. Issues covered include discrimination, education, employment, health, politics, law, and legislation. Available from Sage Publications by subscription. $
Science Citation Index (Web of Science)
Multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the sciences. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
SciFinder Scholar
Combined access to Chemical Abstracts CAPlus, Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, CHEMCAT databases and MEDLINE; search by chemical structure, name, formula, etc. or natural language queries. Available by subscription. $
SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results
Source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States. Produced by the National Cancer Institute.
http://seer.cancer.gov/ F
SIGLE (System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe)
Bibliographic database covering European non-conventional (so-called grey) literature in the fields of pure and applied natural sciences and technology, economics, social sciences, and humanities. Includes reports, dissertations, books, conference proceedings, and non-conventional literature. Available from STN, Scientific and Technical Information Network, by subscription. $
Smoking and Health Database
Contains abstracts of journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings and conference papers, government documents, policy and legal documents, editorials, letters, and comments on articles. Produced by the Office on Smoking and Health (OSH), a division within the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, a center within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/search/ F
Social Science Citation Index (Social SciSearch)
Multidisciplinary database covering the journal literature of the social sciences. Available from ISI, the Institute for Scientific Information, by subscription. $
Social Services Abstracts
Bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, and citations to book reviews. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Social Work Abstracts
Contains information on the fields of social work and human services from 1977 to present. Citations from journal articles and dissertations. Available from SilverPlatter by subscription. $
Sociological Abstracts
International coverage of sociology literature and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes abstracts of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
South Pacific Periodicals Index
Index to articles on the South Pacific identified from a core list of periodicals. Available from the University of the South Pacific by subscription. $
Statistical Universe
Indexes federal, state, local, and international statistical publications as well as selected business and professional publications containing statistics. Available from Lexis-Nexis by subscription. $
Full-text, cross-searchable information for the healthcare professional. Includes Stedman's Medical Dictionary, DSM-IV-TR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and the Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations. Available by subscription.
http://www.statref.com $
Sugar Industry Abstracts
Covers scientific information on all aspects of sugar processing technology and related subjects. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Toxicology Abstracts
Worldwide index to articles, books, conference proceedings and reports relating to toxicology. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription.
http://www.csa.com/csa/factsheets/toxicology.shtml $
Extensive array of references to literature on biochemical, pharmacological, physiological, and toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?TOXLINE F
Produced by the National Library of Medicine. For databases of toxicology literature, see DART, EMIC, and TOXLINE.
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/ F
TRI, Toxics Release Inventory
Publicly available EPA database that contains information on toxic chemical releases and other waste management activities reported annually by certain covered industry groups as well as federal facilities.
http://www.epa.gov/tri/ F
Trials Register of Promoting Health Interventions (TRoPHI)
Database holds all the randomized controlled trials and controlled trials (non-randomized) in the Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field identified as a result of conducting systematic reviews within the Evidence for Policy and Practice (EPPI) Centre. Contains over 1,000 trials and is regularly updated. The constituent trials are submitted regularly to the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials to be included in the Cochrane Library. Produced by the EPPI-Centre based at the University of London, UK.
http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/EPPIWeb/home.aspx?Control=Search&SearchDB=trials&page=/hp/ F
TRIP, Turning Research into Practice
Collection of titles and hyperlinks from a large number of leading internet publishers of evidence-based material and premier on-line medical journals. Produced by the National Health Service, Wales.
http://www.tripdatabase.com/ F
TRIS (Transportation Research Information Service)
Bibliographic database of published transportation research. Provides links to full text and to resources for document delivery or access to documents where such information is available. These may include links to publishers, document delivery services and distributors. Funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB. F
Tropical Diseases Bulletin
Covers all aspects of tropical diseases, tropical medicine, international health, and health in developing countries. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Veterinary Bulletin
Abstracts of the core literature in the field of animal health. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Violence and Abuse Abstracts
Abstracts and extended bibliography of recent literature on all types of interpersonal violence, including sexual, physical and psychological child abuse, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and harassment, hate crimes, workplace violence, gang violence, elder abuse and neglect. Available from Sage Publications by subscription. $
Virology and AIDS Abstracts
Coverage of the world literature on every aspect of virology in humans, animals, and plants, with topics ranging from replication cycles to oncology. Available from CSA, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, by subscription. $
Water Resources Abstracts
Abstracts to professional papers, water-supply papers, water-resources investigations, Hydrologic Atlas, and circular series. Produced by the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
http://water.usgs.gov/swra/ F
Weed Abstracts
Abstracts on weeds, weed control and allied subjects. Available from CABI Publishing by subscription. $
Wilson Business Abstracts
Covers general business periodicals and trade journals. Topics include management, accounting, advertising and marketing, construction, entertainment and media, information technology, mergers and acquisitions, occupational health and safety, public relations, small business, and a great deal of corporate information. Available from OCLC, Online Computer Library Center, by subscription. $
Wilson General Science Index
Covers popular and professional science journals published in the United States and Great Britain, and the Science section of The New York Times. Subjects covered include biology, chemistry, astronomy, conservation, earth science, medicine, nutrition, oceanography, and zoology. Produced by the H.W. Wilson company. Available by subscription. $
WRI, Women’s Resources International
Covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Sources include journals, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, books, book chapters, proceedings, reports, dissertations, NGO studies, important websites & web documents, and grey literature. Available from NISC, National Information Services Corporation, by subscription. $
Zoological Record
Covers all aspects of zoology, from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences. Available from BIOSIS by subscription. $